interactive installation 2013
project with Pouyan Mohseninia(pouyan.ir/)

Acknowledgment: Jeroen Carelse, Michihito Mizutani and Taro Morimoto

Finland’s winter is famous for being dark and cold. It’s quite difficult for commuter to use the public transportation during the winter time. That is because they are unable to see their stop, especially on some of the routes that run around Helsinki’s suburbs which don’t display stop names.

This interactive installation uses the concept of a constellation as a metaphor. It functions as a way to show the next bus stop as well as creates an atmosphere for the passengers of being under the night sky, full of stars.

The 506 is an one hour bus route that runs from Viiki to Pohjois-Tapiola through Arabia, Pasilia, and Otaniemi. It is an important connection between two Aalto campuses, Arabia and Otaniemi, and is a vital route for many commuting students.

The passengers represent the multitude of stars on the ceiling, which start to blink when you sit down.

There are many ways to communicate a journey, or display information, but our goal was to create an enjoyable experience of riding the bus.
